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Are you a voracious reader?  Do you enjoy paranormal novels?  Then I would love for you to join my Advance Reader Team!

I allow team members to read my future unpublished books before anyone sees them.  Every couple of months, you will be allowed to download and enjoy my latest book several weeks before its public release.  You may select a copy for your favorite e-reader, including MOBI, e-Pub, or PDF.


I would love your extra set of eyes to help identify what countless nights of revisions and merciless beatings from editors have still failed to find.  You may discover evasive typos, factual errors, or other hiding inconsistencies.  Members are also encouraged to let me know of anything in the story that stood out to them. This might be anything: a character they loved, a storyline they hated, or a plotline they wish had gone in a different direction. 


Along with the book, I will send a simple survey on matters that concern me for you to judge.  Or you may choose to write whatever comments you have freely in letter form.  I will never beg you for a public book review.  However, I will gladly thank you for any good, bad, or indifferent review/star rating you would like to leave on the novel's product page.

If this sounds like something you'd enjoy, please join my team in the field below.  


Thank you! 


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